IVEA training is especially important for companies that employ people with autism so that not only the spectrum worker feels comfortable, but also the partners and/or clients who have to deal with them.
My name is David Zamorano Mañanes, and I am Manager at Canela Tech, S.L., a small custom software development company based in Burgos, Spain. I do not have previous experience working with people on the autism spectrum, but I am interested on the IVEA project from the point of view of corporate social responsibility.
I think that benefiting of specific training on how to work with people with disabilities is necessary to deal with the different kind of people, whether they are people with autism, people with visual impairments, or people with any other kind of needs and support that comes out of “normality.”
The IVEA training is specially important in the case of a company that employs people with autism, in order to make not only the worker on the spectrum feel comfortable, but also the partners and/or clients that have to deal with them. Knowing the abilities of these people and the best ways to deal with them in the workplace is essential for other workers and partners without previous experience on the disability field.
Of course, for anyone who is not who is not used to deal with people with autism and that have to interact with them in the workplace, (that is my case), a specific training is essential to allow us to know how to work with the person and his/her specific skills in order that he/she feels as comfortable and included as possible within our possibilities.