On October 29th, around 50 people from different parts of Spain joined the online IVEA project national event to discuss autism and employment. The event was organised by Autismo Burgos and held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The event was attended by stakeholders in public administration and companies from different sectors including technology, automobile manufacturing, hospitality, auxiliary services and Associative Movement Autism.
The event was led by the IVEA project coordinator from Autismo Burgos, Marco Gutierrez, who presented the characteristics of the project and the activities carried out since September 2018. Emiliana Molero, Secretary General of the Federation of Business spoke at the beginning of the event and was followed by key note speaker, Simona Palacios who is the president of Autismo Burgos.
At the event, attendees learned about the internships that took place in the framework of the IVEA project and were able to hear firsthand from young autistic people and employers who participated in the internships. Participants were also able to share their experiences, ask questions and engage in discussions about the potential of autistic people’s participation in the labor market.